In 2010 the BBC held its inaugural tour. The four competitions were a resounding success and as a result, the 2011 tour is set to be bigger and better taking in more locations, a greater variety of waves and with a points system akin to the international system, there will be a greater chance for more riders to potentially win the title of BBC tour champion.
Whilst the BBC does host independent tour events it has also very successfully run events in conjunction with third party hosts. The following is guidance for any potential host as to what is required.
For a modest £500, and entry fees generated by the event, you and the BBC can run a successful tour event at a break near you!
Commitment – a dedicated team is required to run an event. Whilst the BBC will provide expertise and resources on the day, there is a certain amount of preparation that must go into an event “behind the scenes”.
Venue – a wave that is conducive to high performance bodyboarding, is accessible, has suitable infrastructure and works throughout the tide.
Beach permission – the competition hosts must seek permission to hold a competition. This is typically granted by the local council.
Risk assessment – Before permission to use a venue is granted, a risk assessment will often have to be produced. The BBC can supply an example RA but you know your local area and will be best suited to completing this if required.
Insurance – Not sure what the BBC / SGB position on this is at the moment.
Promotion – the BBC has numerous established communication channels and can facilitate event promotion.
Administration – Via the BBC website and PayPal account, the BBC can coordinate entries for the competition.
Resources – to comfortably run a competition the event staff require somewhere dry to judge from (temporary gazebos can achieve this), electricity to run PA and tabulation equipment and a contest base where the Contest Director can coordinate the event from.
Safety – whoever grants permission to sue the venue will often stipulate the need provide safety cover. The BBC staff has qualified lifeguards which can help.
Financial support – whilst the hours of work committed to the BBC by its committee throughout the year goes without financial reward, staff at BBC events will require payment. There is also contest insurance, contest equipment (printing fees etc) and prize money.
For more information download the pdf here.
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